Fine Print |
We accept cash in person, checks, money orders and paypal (add 4% to total ). We also take trades.
We use USPS Priority for most shipping. Karts are shipped at buyers expense. They must locate a shipper and make arrangements. * I will ship internationally. Extra charges apply *.
Other Info:
GuaranteeIf you have an issue with our kart covers we will do our best to make it right with you. We guarantee it, or you can send the cover back for a product refund.
Privacy Policy:
We do not share any information with ANYONE so your contact info is safe with us.
All racing parts except for the covers are sold as is. So ask questions first. We will do our best to help out.Since racing is dangerous we are NOT responsible for any accidents, damage to property, personal injury or loss of life.
Pictures used on our site are a collection of pictures that we have taken and pictures that have been taken by others. If you would like to have your vintage kart related pictures show on our website please contact us.
If there are any pictures that happen to be yours and you dont want them shown here please let us know.
Black Dog wants to offer a unique picture section for the enjoyment of the vintage karting crowd. |